Universal Life Church Sunday School

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunday School Lesson

The First Family
Genesis 4
Adam and Eve set up a home in the world outside after they left the
garden. Since they were the first husband and wife, they made up the first
family. Families are important to God. We can learn how God feels about
families by reading about Adam and Eve's family and from other things God
tells us in the Bible.

We have already talked about the special feelings a man should have for
his wife. Since man was created first, he is the head of the wife. But he
is to love her as he loves his own body.

When children are born into the family, the father cares for them, too.
He works hard so they will have food to eat, clothes to wear and a place to
live. A father who truly loves his children will teach them about God. He
will also take them to worship. Children will learn many things, but
nothing is as important as learning God's will for them.
A good father knows this and will be patient and kind. He will find
time often to talk with his children about the Lord - - when they get up in
the morning, as they work and play during the day and when they are at home
together in the evening. Together they will give thanks for their food and
God's loving care. And at bedtime they will pray for His protection
during the night.
The mother is an important member of the family, too. God says she
should obey her husband and help him make the family what God wants it to
be. She will love her husband and children and remember to speak kindly to
The mother will enjoy planning for food and clothes and other family
needs. She will appreciate her husband's hard work and will be satisfied
with the things he is able to provide for his family. The husband will be
able to do his best as he earns a living for his family because he knows
his wife is taking care of things at home. Hearing people say good things
about her husband will please the wife; she knows she helped.
God also speaks to children about their part in the family. God says,
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right." He also
says "Honor your father and mother." This means that children are to do
what their parents say as their parents try to help them learn and follow
God's will.
They should never say ugly things to their parents. They won't say
bad things about them to others either. They will try not to do anything
that would make their mother and father ashamed.
God's reward for honoring our parents is a long life upon this earth.
Sometimes children may not understand why parents tell them to do
something. They should still obey them, unless they go against the Bible.
Parents who are Christians will always try to tell their children the right
things to do.

Children need to share the work at home. As they grow older, perhaps
they can get a job to help out with money for clothes and school. They
should also give some of their money back to God, just as their parents
Most families do not have a lot of money. Children should be
satisfied with whatever their parents get for them. Whining and
complaining because other children have more keeps the home from being a
happy place.

When there is unhappiness in the family, it is because somebody is
not doing God's will. Parents may argue so much that they stop loving
each other. Sometimes one of them may decide to leave the family. There
may even be a divorce. This is always a bad situation. Children are very
sad when either the father or mother decides to leave the family.
Learning God's plan for families is important for young people. It
will help them have a happy home of their own when they grow up. God
wants our homes to be one of our greatest blessings in this life.
1. Sometimes people are nicer away from home than they are at home.
Is it important to be nice to the people in our family? Why?
2. How does sharing work at home help everyone? Will you be a good
mother or father if you don't know how to work at home?
3. Many people do not have happy homes. Can you share yours?
"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure
with trouble." Proverbs 15:16
Is having lots of money always good?
By Rev. Walter Detrinidad

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