Pharaoh's Last Chance (Fearing God) | ||||
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Topics: Moses, Plagues, Fearing God, Hardened Heart, Wrath After completing this lesson, the children will learn to look for God's warnings about bad behavior and how we can benefit when we listen and obey God. | |||||
AS KIDS ARRIVE (15 minutes) | |||||
Warning Signs (Activity) Click here | |||||
OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISES (5 minutes) Further info? Click here | |||||
MEMORY WORK (6 minutes) | |||||
"Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble" Proverbs 28:14 Have the kids find this verse in their Bibles, and read it several times out loud. Have them close their eyes and try to say the verse again. | |||||
Introduction: Last week we learned how God spoke to Moses, telling him to go back to Egypt to help free the Israelites from Pharaoh's grip. God gave Moses the words to say, and the power to perform miracles before Pharaoh to make him let the people go. To convince Pharaoh he was dealing with the one and only true God, He sent ten plagues on Egypt. A little later we will sing about these plagues (optional). But each time, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he did not obey God. Instead, he did not let the people go. Our lesson today begins with the tenth plague. It was the most devastating plague of them all. It was Pharaoh's last chance. It was his last warning. Let's find out what happened. Exodus 11:1-8, 12: 29-32 (Pharaoh Finally Gives In) Discussion Questions: 1. What did God say would happen after this plague? (Pharaoh would drive the Israelites completely out of Egypt.) 2. What was going to happen to all of the Egyptian families? (All of the firstborn males, both people and cattle would die) 3. At what time was this plague going to take place? (Midnight) 4. What did the Israelites take from the Egyptian people? (Silver and Gold) 5. Why do you think Pharaoh let the people go after this plague when he didn't after the first nine plagues? (It affected him personally, taking the life of someone dear to him.) 6. Is having a fear of the Lord a good thing or a bad thing? Why? (It is a good thing, because when we fear the Lord, we become obedient to His Word and receive His blessings.) | |||||
CLASS EXERCISES ( 5 minutes and 15 minutes ) | |||||
Hardened Heart (Object Talk) Click here The Passover (Skit for up to 9 volunteers) Click here | |||||
ALTERNATE CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) | |||||
The Plague Song (Song) Click here | |||||
APPLICATION (2 minutes) | |||||
Although Pharaoh was given many signs to know God was in control, he did not fear Him. Instead his heart was hardened and that led to disobedience. We have warning signs too. Not only are there signs that warn us about physical dangers, like we discussed earlier today, but the Bible is also full of warning signs. The Ten Commandments are a good example of some of these warnings, and there are many others. So what do we need to do to learn how to fear God and try to be obedient to Him in every area of our lives. | |||||
NEXT WEEK | |||||
What would you do if when we tried to leave this room today, the doors would not open no matter how hard we tried. Would you panic? Something very similar happened to the Israelites. Come back next week to see how they got out of their difficult situation. | |||||
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Further info? | |||||
Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. | From |
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